So as a thought experiment, I thought it would be interesting to come up with some New Year's resolutions for RTD in 2009. But instead of coming from the RTD board or some middle management bureaucrat, I asked normal RTD riders waiting for their bus or light rail what they would like to see RTD resolve to do in the upcoming year.
Here are their answers:
A few people I talked to said they were satisfied with the RTD service they use and wouldn't want any changes.
Janet from Golden said she would like to see RTD keep the rates lower or at least cease increasing fares like they have been doing the last few years.
Mary, a commuter who takes the FREX bus from Colorado Springs reiterated the need for transit agencies like RTD and FREX to have fares that are more in line with the current economic situation. "I don't think they are at a fair price, because gas prices are cheaper and their prices should align to the economy."
"More service," was what Harry from Denver wanted RTD to resolve to have in 2009. Harry said he rides the 2 bus from east Denver to Downtown. However, during the weekends, the 2 bus stops at 1st and Harrison instead of continuing east into the Hilltop neighborhood. He took the bus often before the change and understands that he was one of the few people who did, but laments RTD's cuts to service at a time when fares are increasing. He also said the midday 2 buses that come every half hour are packed with people and the line could benefit from more buses during rush hour.
Harry also would like to see better enclosures for Light Rail stops. "Proper shelters," Harry said. "A lot of them give nothing to withstand the weather, and we stand out here almost freezing to death in the winter and are boiling in the summer." He said this needs to be an even greater priority considering the changes RTD is implementing at the new year to have passengers transfer lines at the I-25/Broadway station.
Lindsay from Lone Tree says she takes RTD busses and light rail every day to get to work and wants to see RTD put more emphasis on the busy rush hours. She said that trains are jam packed during the rush hour and especially so if they coincide with downtown events. "After a Rockies game, I've seen elderly people forced to stand in the train," Lindsay said.
She would also like to see RTD's buses work towards meeting its schedule. Lindsay said late buses have occasionally made her late to work, sometimes by 20 minutes or more. She said late buses are especially problematic during inclement weather, and would like to see RTD implement some kind of mobile or Web notification system to tell riders if buses are behind schedule.
"Smart cards," was the first thing that came to mind when Clark from Denver was asked what RTD should resolve to do in 2009. "It can better explain what the actual trips we use are instead of some theoretical system." Unlike, many other city transit agencies, RTD does not use any kind of smart card system that allows customers to put money onto a card and track how it is used. When I asked an RTD spokesman about smart cards at an public meeting in September, he said RTD has no plans for smart cards at this time, because they are expensive to initiate. Of course, smart cards are likely to save RTD money in the long run because they allow people to put money onto a card that they might not actually use on a trip and they prevent more people from using services for free. They are also something that many riders clearly want as well.
Karen from Highlands Ranch has a RTD resolution a bit simpler than redoing the whole payment system, but equally as important: Keep the trains cleaner. Karen said there are often spilled soft drinks or food on the seats, making for a smelly and potentially sticky ride home. Perhaps RTD should enforce its no food rules more or simply make light cleaning a part of the job duties for ticket checkers instead of waiting until the end of the day to clean the light rail trains.
Finally, some of the suggestions offered were a bit more of wishful thinking. "Give a free stick of deodorant to everyone who enters the #3 bus," said Rob, also of Highlands Ranch, who apparently has had more than one bad experience with BO while riding this bus along west Alameda Avenue.
Here is a good sampling of some RTD riders' New Year's resolutions for 2009. I plan on e-mailing this list to the RTD board members, but first would like to give the opportunity for anyone else who has 2009 resolutions for RTD.
Go ahead and let RTD know what riders want from RTD in 2009.
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